Monday, March 23, 2009

Brick Wall

Things have slowed down a little. My son says I have hit a brick wall, and if I just keep going I will get through it. This past week has been a marathon for eating out, and parties and ect. Even though I watched very closely, it still made dieting challenging. Still I have journaled everyday, and I think that is a very big key. I have walked or swam or worked out 60-75 minutes everyday. Today I decided to add a little to the whole thing and will also watch my diet even more carefully. (I decided to start jump roping everyday--that was a killer for me--30 jumps and wow! I can see I need to keep that up.)

I am still just so thrilled at the opportunity this has given me. I am doing things I have never done and never dreamed possible.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO Proud of YOU! You are going to have to show all of the boys your jump rope skills!!! Way to go Mom!!!! Can't wait to see you in just a few days :)
